Purchase a float or purchase a course T: 028 9521 5155 E: info@hydro-ease.co.uk

The push and pull of our nervous system in the floaty world of Hydro-ease

Magic is within you

Do you ever just sense somethings not right? Do you ever feel agitated, on edge or just downright uneasy in a certain place? Have you ever just sat with this feeling and made sense of its presence? Have you ever felt restless in someone’s company? Have you ever avoided someone as you know you just […]

Standing on the red dot

Magic is within you

“In business your network supports your net worth”. This is a quote I remember hearing way back in the beginning when I first ventured out on my own and set up Hydro-ease. Words that have remained with me, and by net worth I mean the value and investment people put on their relationship with you […]

When are you your real age? And when are you your emotional age?

Magic is within you

It can be sometimes hard to hear .. “You are getting on like a child” even if it’s just from your internal voice and not from others, because deep down a part of you is screaming.  I AM A CHILD CAN’T YOU SEE ME!! Our emotional, or sometimes referred to as our developmental, age is […]

Blue Monday blog

Magic is within you

Well, here we are, the most miserable day of the year allegedly. I say allegedly as blue Monday was reportedly invented by psychologist Cliff Arnall in 2005 after travel company Sky Travel asked him to come up with a scientific equation to work out when the January blues – the time after the festive season […]

CT Problems

Personal Identity People could be lying about their age. People could be imitating specific people that. People could lie about their location. Software Interoperability The site is designed specifically for a desktop user, although the tools used are responsive and should translate over to  Mobile devices, this is not a guarantee and issues may still […]

304 Home

TriExpansionPartnership This is the Tri Expansion Partnership knowledge base wiki (TEPwiki). At its inception Tri Expansion Partnership is a partnership of Chris and Jo which has developed the specification for the Tri Expansion Partnership software. We expect to recruit somewhere between 15 and 20 people in the first 6 months as the system is developed. […]

Site Purpose

A wiki is a repository of information in which users are actively engaged with, and encouraged to, participate in the editing of pages.


User Access Anyone can view the website and the posts Only Approved Users may be able to create new posts All posts will have to be approved by an Administrator before becoming public Confidentiality We make every endeavour to protect our users personal information All given details will stay within the confines of the website […]

Software Development

Software Development The software will be built on shared core functionality so that each package uses ALL the functionality of the lower package(s). We need to identify the following issues: Database Development Tools and any required ‘Add ons’ Any installation issues (for example database installation and configuration) Specification BookingSoft Make individual booking Make group booking […]


It is expected that marketing of the products will begin within the next 3 to 6 months, initially concentrating on BookingSoft, aimed at the lower end of the market and as each product is finalised development will begin of the next package. As none of us are experts, until we can recruit a marketing person, […]