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Examining the short-term anxiolytic and antidepressant effect of Floatation-REST

The Effects of Floatation, 2012

Flotation REST as a Stress Reduction Method: The Effects on Anxiety, Muscle Tension, and Performance

Effects of Flotation vs Chamber REST on Creativity & Realism under stress and non-stress conditions

Flotation REST and Imagery in the Improvement of Athletic Performance

Floatation as a Stress Management Tool

Health and therapeutic applications of chamber and flotation REST


Preventing Sick-leave for Sufferers of High Stress-load and Burnout Syndrome

The Effect of the Flotation Version of REST on Jazz Improvisation

The Acute Effects of Floatation REST on Recovery from Maximal Eccentric Exercise

The Elicitation of Relaxation and Interoceptive Awareness Using Floatation Therapy in Individuals With High Anxiety Sensitivity

Flotation restricted environmental stimulation therapy and napping on mood state and muscle soreness in elite athletes: A novel recovery strategy?

You can find more Research papers at Clinical Floatation’s website

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RAFT can help You Overcome Trauma, Fears, Anxiety, and More

RAFT creates personalised, person-centred and somatic pathways that guide you towards a better life. 60 minutes 1 to 1 followed by 1 hour of floatation.